Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eriks is Graduated!

On Friday, it all finally came to an end. Along with all of the other Boise State graduates, he walked and received his diploma! It was a very wonderful day! After the ceremony, Eriks' mom, sister, my mom and day, and me all went out to lunch at Angels Bar and Grill. It was a fabulous lunch! Eriks has worked so hard, and we have both endured many a long sleepless nights. I am so proud of all of the work he has done! It was all worth it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ethan's Birthday Party

Ethan's birthday was so much fun! Ethan is such a caring boy. Charles' Birthday was only a few days after his so Ethan decided he wanted to share his party with him. I am very proud of how thoughtful my brother is turning out to be! My mom made Ethan an owl cookie cake. It is so funny that Ethan has had such an obsession with owls lately. On Halloween, he even had me carve his pumpkin into an owl. After having cookie cake, we all went into the living room to have Ethan open his presents. Charles decided to wait until his actual birthday to open his presents. For Ethan's birthday, I got Ethan a Darth Vader costume. It was so cute to watch him open it because he was so so excited! I don't even think he has taken it off since! It was another great day with my family!

Parent's 20th Anniversary

For my parents 20th anniversary, my brothers and I decided the throw them a little surprise party. I had already taken my brothers out two weeks earlier to go and pick out the decorations. On their anniversary, I decorated the table and the boys decorated the house. We had a lot of fun and I am so happy that I have such a great family!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Last Day at Work

So I was planning to have my last day at Wells Fargo to be November 20th. Well, my last day ended up being today. I left on good terms and everything, but it was just time to leave. I was happy with the way everything ended up. I will be okay financially so that is good. I was very happy because I was able to express my concerns in my exit survey. I was very sad to leave all of the great people I have grown to love, but I will not miss the stresses of the job. On my way home I got one of those mini tequilas that are only a shot worth of alcohol and a lime. So when I got home Eriks and I had a 1/2 shot toast to life, love, health and happiness. The toast was a way to say goodbye to my old life and to say hello to my new life ahead!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween was so much fun this year. As many of you know, I was on medical leave for all of September and October. During those two months, I planned a big family party, and created costumes for the whole family. Ethan was a Whampus (Basically a man eating abonimal snow man from Star Wars), Noah was a Ninja, Andrew was Dr. Horriable (from Dr. Horriable's Sing Along Blog), Dad was Captain Hammer (from DHSAB), Mom was Penny (also from DHSAB), Eriks was a Distinguished Hobo, and I was a Forest Fairy. It was a lot of work, but it was all worth it. Halloween was so much fun! We had lots of good food, played Halloween games, carved pumpkins, handed out candy, went trick or treating, and watched a Halloween movie. I love fun times with my family and am treasuring every moment with them as December comes closer.