Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am the luckiest girl in the world
to have found a love like mine!

The Pumpkin Patch

Eriks and I have not been on a date in FOREVER so we decided to have a day date and go to a pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay.  We had so much fun!  

We decided that first and for most, we wanted to pick out our pumpkins.  So, we searched and searched for the right pumpkin. 

All around the pumpkin patch, they had several of these really cool sculptures.

 After looking at all of the pumpkins,  We decided that we needed some time to think it over, so we hid in the corn for a little while.


We finally made a decision!

My pumpkin was soooo heavy when I carried it back to the car!

After getting our pumpkins, we walked though the hay bale maze, and it started raining.  Even with being soaked to the bone, we had a lot of fun.  It took us forever to get though the maze because we kept walking in circles, but under my final directions we finally made it out. :)

After the hay bale maze, Eriks and I went into the haunted house.  It was so cool.  Lets just say Eriks came out of the house kinda beat up.  During the course of me getting scared, I pushed Eriks out of the way as I ran straight into a wall after being scared the first time, and I punched Eriks in the stomach after being scared the second time.  Whoops!  I really didn't mean to do either of those things!  But the good news is we BOTH thought it was really funny.

The last thing that we did at the pumpkin patch was watch some gladiators fight.  I figured we were already soaked, so what was the big deal of getting a little more wet.  We watched for almost 20 minutes, I really enjoyed the performance. 

After we left the pumpkin patch, we drove around for a little bit before going home and cuddling on the couch and watching football.  It was a great date!

New Job

I got a new job!   Finally!  Now, don't get me wrong, I do like my job at the San Mateo Athletic Club, but after spending 25% of my paycheck on gas and waking up every morning at :330am to open the club.... it is definitely time to move on.  I got a job at the Stanford Shopping Center in their guest services.  I am really excited because they are literally a 3 minute drive and about a 10 min bike ride away from my house.  Not only that, but it is going to be perfect my school schedule.  Only about 4 customers or so come in during a shift so it will give me a lot of time to work on homework.  Not only that, but I will actually go to bed with adults, not elementary school kids.   Eriks and I will be able to go to bed together and wake up together.  All in all, this job just fits my lifestyle so much better. 

Right now, it is a little tough because I am working both jobs. On average I work about 12 hours a day, but that will all end on Friday October 29th when I will only have the Stanford Shopping Center job.

I am so happy I got this new job!

President Obama

President Obama came to my neighbor Marissa's house!  She hosted a fundraiser for the democratic party, and it was $30,400 a plate.  They raised a little over 2 million dollars.  And the guest of honor... President Obama!

Okay so how it all went down.  I have been working 12/13 hours days for about a week or so, so.... I have been exhausted!  It was about 5pm and I was sleeping.  I got a call from Aivars saying "Hay come and claim me... there are a bunch of secret service guys out here that wont let me come home because my drivers licence has mom's address on it."  I am thinking he is over exaggerating.  Maybe there was an accident or something and the cops aren't letting him by.  So I get out of bed (mind you I am in my PJs) walk outside, and see that Aivars isn't exaggerating.  I am like "What the hell is going on?"  There were secret service men everywhere.  So I walk onto the sidewalk and I am immediately stopped by one of them asking for my ID and what I am doing.  I was just like "Um... my brother just called and said that I need to verify that he lives here so that he can come home."  At that point he got his name and walked over and let Aivars in.  Then, Eriks called and so I went over to verify him.  But, this time when I walked onto the sidewalk from our driveway, three secret service men grabbed at their guns and demanded to know what I was doing.  At this point I still had no idea what was going on and started to tear up.  I have obviously never had anyone almost pull a gun on me let alone three secret service men.  When I told them what I was trying to do,  I was told to get back on my property immediately and to not even step foot on the sidewalk.  Obviously I did exactly what they said.  I then found out that the reason why all of this is happening.  It was because President Obama was coming in like an hour.  It then all started to make since.  However it sucked because they never let Eriks come home.  He had to go to a bar and wait until after the president had left.  It was kinda freaky because him and I were on the phone together and he was joking about jumping the back fence.  Well, he was out of range of anyone hearing him, then a secret service man came over and said "Don't even think about jumping the fence."  They were listening to all of our phone calls!  Let me tell you, this was all quite and experience!  After all of the shock wore off of what was happening, I went inside and put some clothes on so that I could go and watch for President Obama.

It was really exciting because there were a gazillion cops and secret service men.  Then all of a sudden about 10 big black SUVs all drove by with men with big guns in them.  There were two with flags on the front.  One of them, had President Obama in it.  It was kind of crazy!

Some of the cops

Waiting with my neighbors

The big black SUVs with all the men with guns

The press running

Me and Aivars with all the secret service men and police in the background

As President Obama was leaving, I heard him laugh!  I thought this might be my one and only chance to see him, so I hopped up on top of my car and guess what! I saw the top of his head!  I was very excited!

Falon and Andrew's Wedding

This is an exciting blog to post.  I am so happy for my very dear friend Falon Marvin (formerly Falon Lewis).  I was very blessed to have been a bridesmaid for such a wonderful person and beautiful bride!

First of all, 2 nights before the big day, I took a Falon out for a mini Batchlorette party.  I wasn't able to go to her actual one, but I still wanted to celebrate with her so I decided to take her out for a mini one.  It was really fun!  We just went bar hopping in downtown Boise, and bought a bunch of penis straws for our enjoyment :)

The Wedding and Ceremony Location: The Boise Depot, Boise Idaho

It was really exciting because for the wedding, we all got our hair and makeup professional done.  I felt like a princess!  After getting all dolled up, we went back to Falon's mom's house to get dressed.  We then took a limo to the Depot to get ready for the wedding.  The wedding was so beautiful!  The ceremony was held outside and was followed by a cocktail hour and then the reception.  I cannot express what an amazing wedding it was.  I am so happy for Falon and Andrew!

Me getting my hair done

Falon getting her hair done

Me getting my makeup done

Falon getting her makeup done

The finished product

Falon's dress

Cali (the Maid of Honor and Falon's sister) helping Falon into her dress

Fussing over the dress


Getting into the limo to go to the depot

In the limo

Our bouquets!

Falon and her daddy walking down the aisle

The ceremony, Andrew looks so happy

The Kiss

One very proud friend

The Guest Book


The two of us at cocktail hour

The Bride and Groom

Cocktail Hour

The Depot after the Ceremony

The view from the Depot

The Reception Room

The Cake

First dance as Man and Wife


The very demanding photographer

Cutting the cake

They were nice

I caught the bouquet!

After the ceremony, Eriks and I went up to the bell tower and looked at the city