Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Job

I got a new job!   Finally!  Now, don't get me wrong, I do like my job at the San Mateo Athletic Club, but after spending 25% of my paycheck on gas and waking up every morning at :330am to open the club.... it is definitely time to move on.  I got a job at the Stanford Shopping Center in their guest services.  I am really excited because they are literally a 3 minute drive and about a 10 min bike ride away from my house.  Not only that, but it is going to be perfect my school schedule.  Only about 4 customers or so come in during a shift so it will give me a lot of time to work on homework.  Not only that, but I will actually go to bed with adults, not elementary school kids.   Eriks and I will be able to go to bed together and wake up together.  All in all, this job just fits my lifestyle so much better. 

Right now, it is a little tough because I am working both jobs. On average I work about 12 hours a day, but that will all end on Friday October 29th when I will only have the Stanford Shopping Center job.

I am so happy I got this new job!

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