Sunday, October 24, 2010

President Obama

President Obama came to my neighbor Marissa's house!  She hosted a fundraiser for the democratic party, and it was $30,400 a plate.  They raised a little over 2 million dollars.  And the guest of honor... President Obama!

Okay so how it all went down.  I have been working 12/13 hours days for about a week or so, so.... I have been exhausted!  It was about 5pm and I was sleeping.  I got a call from Aivars saying "Hay come and claim me... there are a bunch of secret service guys out here that wont let me come home because my drivers licence has mom's address on it."  I am thinking he is over exaggerating.  Maybe there was an accident or something and the cops aren't letting him by.  So I get out of bed (mind you I am in my PJs) walk outside, and see that Aivars isn't exaggerating.  I am like "What the hell is going on?"  There were secret service men everywhere.  So I walk onto the sidewalk and I am immediately stopped by one of them asking for my ID and what I am doing.  I was just like "Um... my brother just called and said that I need to verify that he lives here so that he can come home."  At that point he got his name and walked over and let Aivars in.  Then, Eriks called and so I went over to verify him.  But, this time when I walked onto the sidewalk from our driveway, three secret service men grabbed at their guns and demanded to know what I was doing.  At this point I still had no idea what was going on and started to tear up.  I have obviously never had anyone almost pull a gun on me let alone three secret service men.  When I told them what I was trying to do,  I was told to get back on my property immediately and to not even step foot on the sidewalk.  Obviously I did exactly what they said.  I then found out that the reason why all of this is happening.  It was because President Obama was coming in like an hour.  It then all started to make since.  However it sucked because they never let Eriks come home.  He had to go to a bar and wait until after the president had left.  It was kinda freaky because him and I were on the phone together and he was joking about jumping the back fence.  Well, he was out of range of anyone hearing him, then a secret service man came over and said "Don't even think about jumping the fence."  They were listening to all of our phone calls!  Let me tell you, this was all quite and experience!  After all of the shock wore off of what was happening, I went inside and put some clothes on so that I could go and watch for President Obama.

It was really exciting because there were a gazillion cops and secret service men.  Then all of a sudden about 10 big black SUVs all drove by with men with big guns in them.  There were two with flags on the front.  One of them, had President Obama in it.  It was kind of crazy!

Some of the cops

Waiting with my neighbors

The big black SUVs with all the men with guns

The press running

Me and Aivars with all the secret service men and police in the background

As President Obama was leaving, I heard him laugh!  I thought this might be my one and only chance to see him, so I hopped up on top of my car and guess what! I saw the top of his head!  I was very excited!

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