Sunday, October 24, 2010


Since both Eriks and I were going to Idaho, we decided to drive and save some money.  Half way to Idaho we decided to stop and take a break.




As we were driving through the next town, we noticed this

It doesn't look that strange at first, but with closer examination, you notice this

Ha!  This looks like something from a SNL skit, but no!  This is 100% genuine!  I honestly can say that this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.

Andrew is now in pep band at my High School Alma Matter.  Good Ol' Meridian High School.  Well they had a game that night, and Eriks and I were to make it into town just in time to see Andrew play.  I was a very proud sister!


The Varsity Football Team

While I was in Idaho for all of the weddings, I was able to get together with Larissa.  It was really fun because I went to all of her classes with her.  And man did it make me miss going to school.  Her first class was really kinda stupid.  It is one of those classes that they should make freshman take, not juniors.  It was basically an introduction to the English Department and Library.  But they had a guest speaker that day who was an Anthropologist, so Larissa and I really enjoyed it.

Larissa's second class was an Anthropology class so I was excited.  It was an introduction to Linguistics.  The great thing is that I discovered something.  Linguistics is not the area of Anthropology that I want to focus on.  Eek!

After the Anthropology class, we went to her last class of the day which was Literature.  I had a lot of fun in this class.  I found it to be very interesting because they were analyzing a section from the novel Kim.  It was really good.
After class, Larissa and I went to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ice cream place Fancy Freeze! Seriously!  I LOVE Fancy Freeze. Like I dream about it at night and crave it!  God I wish we had one in Palo Alto!

I love her!

Fancy Freeze Ice Cream makes me smile!
Also while I was in Boise, my little brother Ethan had to go and get his kidney stone blasted.  The poor little guy.  So we tried to make it as positive as possible by saying things like "Yay!  This is so exciting!  You are gonna get your kidney stone taken care of!  No more pain!"  It was still kind of scary though.   
The first thing we had to do was check in.
Then we had to wait until they were ready for us.  We were glad there was a TV to distract us.

The third thing we had to do was take some ex-rays.

See that ball thing in the upper left corner of Ethan's body?  That is the kidney stone.  It was the size of a marble.  A big stone for such a little guy!

The third thing we had to do was the Iv with the sleeping medicine.  Those of you who know me know how deathly afraid of needles I am, but I was really proud of myself because I was strong for my brother.  He did such an amazing job!  I was really proud of him! 
With the hard part out of the way, we just needed to wait for the meds to kick in
The meds finally started to kick in and he got really sleepy

Then once he was ready, they took him away

Unfortunately I couldn't wait for him to wake up because I had to go and get ready for Falon's wedding.  But I did keep checking up on him and at first he was really silly, but then the pain came.  Poor little guy was in a lot of pain for several days but slowly the pain went down.  I wish he hadn't had to go through this but what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

When we drove home, we had to make a pit stop.  Boise State was playing so we stopped in Reno to watch the game.  It was crazy because there was some kind of motorcycle convention going on in Reno at the time.  I was really uneasy the whole time, but it was cool to see all of the motorcycles.

We went into the Casino and got some seats right at the bar in front of the game!  It was great!

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