Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 10 of the 21 Day Challenge

Day 10 of A Bowl Full of Lemons 21 Days to Getting Organized Challenge was the Laundry Room.  Eriks and I live in an apartment with communal laundry facilities, but we have a cupboard for our stuff in the Laundry Room.  Also since Eriks' mom owns the complex, we have a little more liberty than what you would think with apartment living.

Here is the space

Here is our cubby

I have everything just kind of shoved in the cubby and on top of it.  In that green bag I have some parts for these really cool sweater dryer.  It allows the sweaters to lay flat but still get dry.  The second half of the dryer is on the top of the cubby.  I thought it would be a good idea to let my neighbors use them too if they want to. (we only have 3 other apartments besides Aivars and we are all really close so it is not that weird)  I decided to make some cloth bags from an old table cloth to hang from the wall to hold them.  Here is how they turned out:

After I put that up, everything fit into our little cubby

After that was finished, I took a good look at the washer and dryer.

Oh my gosh!  So GROSS!  I had never really looked at how clean they were before.  I broke out my handy dandy Clorox Wipes and went to scrubbing.  Woot Woot!

So much better.  I cannot wait until Eriks comes home and sees it!

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