Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 11 of the 21 Day Challange

Today's challenge was to organize the freezer.  The only problem is that my freezer is ober tiny and there really isn't much to organize.  I tried but then reallized that all I did was move some samon.  So I decided to do something else.  I have been wanting to organize my books for a long time.  I still had books that I handn't even unpacked.

The Before Picture

Some Boxes of books

The first thing I did was move all of the CDs to the bottom level.  I then organized all of my book into the following categories: Anthropology, Classics, Theatre, History, Reference, Children and cooking.  After that, I put all of the books back onto the shelf according to those categories.

The After Picture

I then took all of the books that were too tall for these shelves ad put them downstairs.  Eriks and I just got this cool thing that we keep our litter box in.  Eriks installed a kitty door in the side of it so the cats can get in and out.  It is so nice!  Now we dont have to always step on kitty liter and we don't have to look at it anymore.  Well another plus is that the top has a bookshelf so it is perfect!

It was great to finally get all of this done!

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