Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17 of the 21 Day Challenge

Day 17 of A Bowl Full of Lemons 21 Days to Getting Organized Challenge was to organize our mail area.  Um... I really don't have a mail area or a place to have a mail area.  I go through and organize all of our mail as soon as it comes every day.  So instead of the mail, I decided to organize all of my paperwork.  I keep my paperwork with all of my craft stuff because that is sort of my area of the house.  Here is the messy before picture:

This project took about 2 hours.  I organized the two brown holders (craft papers), the clear and pink paper holder (official and professional paperwork) and the white binder (craft and sewing tutorials and ideas).  After I organized everything I put it all back on the shelf.  You cannot really tell all that much, but it is so much better!

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